About the Plan

Who is the Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization?

Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning Area Map

The Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization (BGMPO) is the federally designated agency responsible for working with residents and local, state, and federal agencies to coordinate transportation planning and project development within the Burlington urbanized area. Federal legislation requires urbanized areas with populations greater than 50,000 to have an MPO to carry out the transportation planning process among the member jurisdictions within its established planning area boundary.

The BGMPO provides transportation planning for:

  • City of Burlington
  • City of Graham
  • City of Mebane
  • Town of Elon
  • Town of Gibsonville
  • Town of Green Level
  • Town of Haw River
  • Town of Whitsett
  • Village of Alamance
  • Alamance County
  • Portions of Guilford and Orange County

What is a Metropolitan Transportation Plan?

The BGMPO is responsible for maintaining a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the planning area shown above. The MTP outlines the BGMPO’s transportation-related goals and objectives and addresses transportation-related issues and impacts over a minimum 20-year horizon. The MTP is developed through a cooperative process led by the BGMPO, and including the FHWA, NCDOT, transit operators, stakeholders, and the public, to create a vision for the future of the community. The process, which is prescribed by federal regulations, is designed to assist the BGMPO in prioritizing short- and long-term investments in the area’s transportation system over the next 25 years.

The MTP must be updated every five years, which ensures that it is based on the most recent data available for the region, identifies current trends in travel demand, and reflects the latest transportation policies and programs. The BGMPO last adopted an MTP—the 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update—in August 2015.

What is Getting There 2045 ?

Getting There 2045 is the MTP being developed to update the 2015 plan. It will be a comprehensive plan that defines the transportation network that will serve the existing and projected transportation volumes in and around the Burlington-Graham MPO. Getting There 2045 will be based on the most accurate and up-to-date information available on population and economic growth and land development patterns within the BGMPO area.

This plan will also address the following planning factors as required by current federal regulations:

  • Support the economic vitality of the metropolitan area
  • Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users
  • Increase the security of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users
  • Increase the accessibility and mobility of people and freight
  • Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, and improve quality of life
  • Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, across and between modes, for people and freight
  • Promote efficient system management and operations (Source: Code of Federal Regulations: Title 23, Part 450.306)
  • Emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system
  • Improve the resiliency and reliability of the transportation system and reduce or mitigate stormwater impacts of surface transportation
  • Enhance travel and tourism



The Getting There 2045 plan is scheduled for completion in August 2020, with opportunities for public engagement—workshops, interactive mapping feedback, etc.—throughout the process. The project team will also meet regularly with key stakeholders to help guide the development process.

Getting There 2045 Plan Schedule

Text-based Schedule

  • Phase 1: Assess Existing Conditions - March 2019 - June 2019
  • Phase 2: Assess Future Conditions & Potential Improvements - May 2019 - October 2019
  • Phase 3: Develop Recommended Plan - October 2019 - May 2020
  • Final Plan Approval by FHWA - June 2020 - August 2020
  • Key Public Involvement Points - June 2019, December 2019, February 2020